Home cooking

This is my blog about cooking for a family of growing boys. Tasty, healthy and lots of it.

My food philosophy is to make everything from scratch as far as possible, to cut out as many additives and those dreaded e-number-ingredients as I can. I do use tinned tomatoes, chickpeas, beans and tuna – that sort of thing.

As a home cook my equipment is pretty basic, a couple of nice knives, double oven and basics like mixers and the like. This means I make pizza in two rectangular oven trays and my chips (french fries) are cut by hand and deep-fried in a pot on the stove.

My chips are not all exactly the same shape, as I don’t discard the rounded edge bits. In my family we need about 1.6kg of potatoes for a meal, excluding the protein. This is simply a reality when feeding active boys.

You can find my recipes below. I find inspiration from many sources, but most of my recipes are my own. Where I use someone else’s recipe, I will acknowledge them. The photographs are my own.

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